Six Steps to Financial Freedom
A step-by-step framework that will transform your life .... even if you do not own much today!
Do you know how you would support your family if your job disappeared today?
Have you ever asked yourself;
- How come I don’t own much after working all those years?
- How can I ensure that I will have money to pay for my children’s university education?
- How can I avoid stress over money issues between my spouse and I?
- How can I get rid of my mounting debts?
- What is the most practical way for me to finally become a homeowner?
- How would I take care of my family if I lost my job?
- How can I get ahead financially without getting into risky, time-consuming and stressful side businesses?
- How can I ensure that I will have enough money for a comfortable and financially secure retirement?
The answer most people come up with is to earn more by getting a better job or starting a business. But did your last pay increase transform your life? The truth is that just earning more is not a permanent solution.
Simply earning more not only postpones the problem, it also facilitates and whets the appetite for living lavishly. It sets you up for an even bigger problem in the future. People who earn a high income only to end up poor paint a sad picture. They are often ridiculed and become the butt of cruel jokes. The worst thing about it is the fact that it often happens when one is too old to get a well-paying job and/or has not developed skills that can earn them an income for financial recovery. Most of such individuals simply slide into depression and defeat, and end up living a life of quiet desperation.
But it doesn’t have to be like that. The key lies in managing your finances better. However, personal management is not taught in school and learning from the multitude of sources on the internet usually results in even more confusion. Yet some people continue to search for answers. These are my favourite people, those that take the bull by the horns and refuse defeat or even the possibility of failure. It is for this special breed of people, those with an indomitable spirit that I am now launching ……….
"The Financial Freedom Course"
“The Financial Freedom Course” is an online video course that is a complete step by step system specifically designed to help you become financially empowered by teaching you how to build your wealth and eliminate debts and financial stress permanently. You build your personal financial plan that enables you to leverage your income into lifelong financial success with clarity and certainty.
Flash Sale Special offer! Enroll by 4th August and get a 65% discount!
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up
You get access to the course as soon as you sign up (within 24 hours if via mpesa). The material will be made available to you one module per week and you can complete the whole course in six weeks. Thereafter you will continue to have unlimited access to all the course material and you can revisit any lesson or resource as often as you wish. And just to give you a little preview of what awaits inside "The Financial Freedom Course"....
Build Your Wealth
Proven system to building your wealth and enable you to buy a good house, educate your kids live well and achieve other goals.
Increase Your Savings
Strategies to reduce your expenses, including taxes, drastically without lowering your standard of living.
Eliminate Debt
Learn the most effective methods to
easily eliminate debt
Reduce Stress
Reduced financial Stress and Increased life enjoyment
Gain Clarity
Get a higher degree of clarity, refinement and reinforcement of your financial knowledge
Increase Financial Security
Learn how to build your personal financial plan that enables you to leverage your income into lifelong financial success
And much, more…
IMPORTANT NOTE: This system is specially designed for Kenyan professionals in the local economy.
This is truly jam-packed to help you build a lifelong financial success so you NEVER have to worry about how to take care of your family ever again.
Here’s what people are saying about the course
The "Financial Freedom Course" is not a course on financial theory. I teach simple, practical things you can do that will transform your financial life.
Grace Kiptui
"If you acquire financial skills, money will serve you well."
Macharia Irungu
"If I didn't invest in myself .... Asante Manyara"
Liz Mudogo
Product Manager
"It was an eye opener. I learnt that you shouldn't park a big, beautiful car outside an SQ which isn't even yours!"
"The Financial Freedom Course"
Personal Finance Training
You Will Not Get Elsewhere
6 Modules that will enable you achieve your financial independence
Module 1: Getting Started
In five video lessons, a total of one hour and ten minutes, module one teaches you how to set the stage for your financial transformation. You learn in detail how to determine and analyze your financial situation (with secrets and details never taught before). Never again will you be in the dark regarding your finances.
Module 2: Developing Smart Financial Goals
This module has five video lessons, total watch time one hour and twenty minutes. Here you learn financial goal setting, a skill critical for financial success. We also take an in-depth look at common financial goals and what they might mean for you; how to acquire a house, how to pay for kids education and most importantly, how to break free from dependence on a salary by building passive income.
Module 3: Personal Cash Flow Management
Don't have money to invest and achieve your goals? This module shows you where to get it. You learn how to control your expenses, reduce taxes and also how to mange and eliminate debt. The module has four video lessons with a total of one hour twenty minutes watch time.
Module 4: Investing For Success
This module consists of 8 video lessons, total watch time two hours and nine minutes. In this module, the secrets of successful investment are explained simply and clearly without hype or financial jargon. Once you have learnt this lesson, you will be able to choose good investments confidently and identify fraudulent ones from a mile away.
Module 5: Managing Personal Risk
Without a good defence, even a team can score may end up losing the game. Investing is playing offence, risk management is playing defence. Risk management is critical part of personal financial management. In module five, you learn how to put a risk management programme in place.
Module 6: Making it Happen
The video lessons in module six cover how to develop a winning mindset and also how to implement the plan you have developed and achieve the big transformation you desire.
The Huge Bonuses You Get On Registration
These Bonuses make registering for "The Financial Freedom Course" an absolute,
hands down no-brainer. The sooner you register, the more you get
Free Financial Freedom Strategy Session
Ready to discover how to effortlessly achieve your financial goals? Then… you will love this free 45-minute Financial independence strategy session with me.
If you are one of the few who are ready to invest and commit themselves to improve their financial situation, I am offering you this free session. However I have only a few slots for only the first ten people to register for “The Financial Freedom Course” and they are usually taken up very quickly.
During this coaching session, we develop a crystal clear vision of your financial future and show you the immediate steps to take in order to….. fully take control of your journey to financial independence.
Value - Sh 10,000
Lifelong Financial Success Book
The first twenty people to register will also get a copy of Manyara’s book “How to Become a Lifelong Financial Success”. This book will help you build your wealth no matter how small your income may be!
You will discover:
• How to determine and track your financial condition
• How to set SMART financial goals
• Where and how to invest successfully
• How to protect your family against financial setbacks
Value - Sh 1,950
Invitation to Live Event
Everybody who registers for the “Create a Great Financial Life” course stands a chance of being invited for one of the live “Great Financial Life” events planned for 2020.
In these live events, Manyara teaches the principles of personal financial management. You get an opportunity to learn in a supportive environment, ask questions and interact with like-minded, progressive individuals.
Value – Sh 19,500
Manyara Kirago
Manyara Kirago is a personal financial coach and, trainer. He helps Kenyan professionals move from a situation of financial stress, debt, chaos, confusion and lack of progress and direction to one where they are making steady, predictable and measurable progress towards better financial health and on track for their financial goals with absolute clarity and certainty.
He is the Managing Director Financial Counselling Ltd, Kenya’s premier financial coaching service provider. He has personally conducted personal finance training in many blue chip organizations including Safaricom, Citibank, Ernst & Young, Bamburi Cement, Unilever, BAT among others. Manyara is the creator of “The Financial Freedom Course” an online personal finance course for individuals. Manyara also does financial coaching on a one on one basis.
He is a graduate of Boston University’s Financial Planning Program and the College for Financial Planning in Denver, Colorado USA, and holds “Registered Financial Consultant” and “Chartered Mutual Funds Counselor” professional designations. Manyara has been a long time newspaper financial columnist and has been quoted in numerous personal finance articles. He has also been interviewed many times in all the major television stations in Kenya. Manyara is the author of the book “How to Become a Lifelong Financial Success”.
Manyara is a committed Christian and a member of St Andrew’s Church. He is a family man with a wife and four children.

Here’s what people are saying about Manyara Kirago
Peter Njioka
Hr Professional
Manyara's expertise is matched by a wonderful sense of humour and his passion is inspirational!
Kellen Kariuki
General Manager
He is very professional in his conduct and approach to personal financial planning.
John Njoroge
Made me Look
You made me look into my problem, fix it and be able to move into the right, positive direction towards financial freedom.
This Course will give you peace of mind
How much is that worth to you?
There are several options when it comes to payment;
Option one is to hire me as your financial coach. The bad news is that would cost you 7,500 per hour. It would take about forty hours to work through the content in "The Financial Freedom Course" so that would add up to over Sh 300,000 if you want me to do it with you personally. Obviously, that is not the option I would advice you to take even if you could afford to do so. Why? Because I am going to give you the same information and instructions in the "Financial Freedom Course" for much less.
Option two is to pay the regular price of "The Financial Freedom Course" course and by the time you finish the last tutorial video, you will have the ability to manage your finances better and grow your wealth. The price of the GFL course is Sh 80,000.
Special Flash Sale Discount!
Now the good news is that, if you are still watching this, I am going to give you a third option which is a spectacular deal. I feel most gratified in life when I get messages from people who have benefited from my work and when they tell me how it has helped them change their financial lives. So what I am going to do is this, if you are willing to invest in yourself, I am going to make it so easy, it will be a no-brainer. The fact that you are still here watching this video convinces me that you are serious about acquiring this knowledge and you have a real desire to master this skill set and to use it to change your life.
So here’s the deal; I am offering to teach and mentor you because I know it will give me the chance to change many people’s lives this year which is really my life’s purpose. If you want to become a part of this group, a participant in "The Financial Freedom Course" course, today is your chance and it’s not going to cost you Sh 300,000. It is not even going to cost you Sh 80,000. You can have me as your teacher and mentor, every day for just Sh 28,000! (Special Flash Sale Offer) and that’s it! Nothing else to buy and that means that every single person watching this can afford to enroll.
Just stop and think what you can do with Sh 28,000. You can buy a few clothes, buy a cheep phone and so on. But what will you have to show for that money a few years from today? On the other hand, you can invest it in yourself with "The Financial Freedom Course" and transform your financial future. It was Benjamin Franklin who said “If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”
Discount Expires 4th August!
Now just to make joining "The Financial Freedom Course" course an absolute, hands down no-brainer, we are going to throw in three huge bonuses that are worth over Sh 31,450! You get all this stuff if you join within the launch period.
Registration for "The Financial Freedom Course" course is now open and you are now at the point of decision. You can either continue down the road of least resistance, the path you’ve already been on, or you can choose the road less traveled. The path of least resistance will probably result in you getting the same outcomes you’ve always gotten.
But if you want something different to happen, if you want to change the direction of your life and your finances, you are going to have to do something different. Make a new choice and pursue your own, new outcome. So here’s what I want you to do. Click the register button below and you will be taken to a registration page where you can book your place. Once you complete the process, you will get an email from us with a link to the portal. Click on the link to be taken to the course and you are good to go.
Thank you and I look forward to working with you to bring about a transformation of your financial life. Remember, procrastination is a killer of dreams. The sooner you join, the sooner you will improve your money management and the sooner you will see a transformation of your financial life. See you soon!
regular course fee
One sentence summary of what they get
Special Discount Expires August 4th 2023

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
I am so confident that the course will pay for itself that I am giving you a money back guarantee! My guarantee is that you will be able to do at least one of the following;
1) Increase your Net worth by at least five times your investment in the course or
2) Reduce your debts by at least three times the investment in the course or
3) Reduce your taxes by more, probably much more than the investment in the course
You do this within one year of implementing the lessons or we will refund your investment in the course. If the course does not give you skills that will help you, I do not want your money.
Don’t wait! Look at what past students have to say about this course
Patrick Ngahu
Benefits have been coming through every year
“I did attend your seminar in 2005 at the Landmark Hotel and the benefits I accrued have been coming through each year. At first I felt that the fee was high but today I fully appreciate the investment of that one day that has changed my financial life for good”.

Grace Kiptui
I should have paid more
What I learnt was very important and in fact, I should have paid more!

Paul Muhami
Financial Advisor
A 360 degrees transformation!"
I will forever remain grateful and indebted to Manyara Kirago for his patience in explaining to me what I needed to learn about money.
Through that initiative and various experiences along the way, I have changed my life so drastically, that today, am called upon to give testimony to people. I even head the economic empowerment ministry in our church, which is quite a 360 degrees transformation!"
Frequently Asked Questions
When and how do I get started?
Is this really for me?
How long do I have access to the course?
Why should I buy this course instead of others?
What do I do if I have questions?
What if I do not like maths and one last thing…. will I get rich?
regular course fee
One sentence summary of what they get
One more thing ...
Over the years, I have worked with many people, just like you. My greatest joy is to hear the difference our work together has made in their lives. Some have bought homes, others paid for university education for their kids while others are living comfortably in financial independence.
It is my hope that you will sign up and more importantly commit yourself to doing the work necessary so that you too can have your own happy ending. That will be my happy ending!