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Month: December 2018

Dec 21

How to become financially fearless

What ranks highest on your fear list? Is it death, snakes or maybe public speaking? For most people, financial fear is one of the unspoken and often unresolved fears in our lives. Today, we explore financial fear and how you can resolve it and live a less stressful life. Please CLICK HERE to watch on […]
Dec 21

Stop throwing good money after bad

Investors, and most often inexperienced investors sometimes get emotionally attached to their projects. When one is emotionally attached to something, they can not make objective judgements about it and, in the case of an investment, they are not able to realize and accept the it when the project becomes doomed to fail. Today, we look […]
Dec 21

Why you should plan for retirement

I was walking in the city the other day when I saw a reflection of a middle aged man who was wearing familiar clothes in a shop window and he seemed to be looking at me. I stopped and he also stopped. It was only then that I realized that I was looking at my […]
Dec 21

Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Early

Although a mortgage enables you acquire what is probably you most valuable asset, your home, it is a burden that most people bear grudgingly. First there is the monthly mortgage installment that never seems to end, the mortgage balance that goes down ever so slowly and the constant worry of what would happen if you […]
Dec 21

Pay yourself first

Each month we eagerly wait for payday. When it finally rolls around, we are first shocked at how little is left after taxes, then we start paying; we pay the landlord, the grocer, the butcher, the petrol station, our kids’ school and so on. All along, our intention is to put whatever is left over […]
Dec 21

Why your child should have a savings account

As parents we are always looking out for the welfare of our children.  We make sure they have enough to eat, clean clothes to wear, and a good education.  One thing that often gets overlooked though is helping them achieve a strong financial footing when they grow up.  Opening a child savings account can be […]
Dec 21

Plan to succeed

How that is some people become financially independent before they are 50? Or are not shaken by downturns in the economy? Why are some people able to earn high incomes or even have “multiple streams of income? How come some people retire to a life of luxury and world travel, while others barely have enough […]
Dec 21

How to buy life insurance

Are you looking to buy life insurance for the first time? If so, you’re probably asking yourself questions, such as “How much life insurance cover do I need?,” “What kind of policy is best?,” And “Which company should I buy from?” Buying life insurance for the first time, like any other new experience, can be […]
Dec 21

Napoleon Hills success secret

Napoleon Hill is one of the most outstanding pioneers of the personal development industry. He turned more people into millionaires over his lifetime than anyone who came before him…even more than Andrew Carnegie. Napoleon Hill wrote the book, ‘Think and Grow Rich’ which even today, over eighty years since it was published, still influences the […]
Dec 21

How to make a shopping list

Have you ever gone into a supermarket or megastore with the intention of buying a few things and walked out with much more than you intended to buy? Did you then get home just to realize that you forgot to buy some of the things that actually made you go shopping in the first place? […]