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NYC, USA 256323

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Month: April 2018

Apr 30

How to become debt free

Do you hesitate to take calls from unfamiliar numbers? Do you ignore, or even worse, delete emails from people or organizations you owe money? Does an unfamiliar stranger knocking at your door on Saturday morning set your heart fluttering? If you are deeply in debt, but still have an income, it is time you freed […]
Apr 19

Wisdom is better than silver or gold

What would you do differently, if, somehow your life were rewound five, ten, or even 20 years back? Would you have furthered your education perhaps? Would you have started a business? Would you have made that investment you missed or maybe acted on a piece of advice that you now regret not having acted upon? […]
Apr 10

Why Personal Finance Books Do Not Help

Do you have spent a ton of money buying and many hours reading personal finance books? Do the works Robert Kiyosaki, David Bach, Suze Orman, Thomas Stanley and others line your library? Do you read every personal finance column you can lay your hands on and spend endless hours on-line visiting personal finance websites? CLICK […]
Apr 3

Stumbling Block to Financial Success

Stumbling blocks to financial success Have you ever met a long lost friend and felt sorry for them because it was obvious that they were not doing well and life had not been kind to them? On the other hand, have you ever felt a bit awkward about your circumstances in the presence of an […]